RN Health Coaching offers a simple, quasi-structured approach to health, happiness and well-being.
The program is
The premise is simple: Take personal responsibility, each day, to (M)ove, (E)ducate, (N)ourish and (D)ecompress yourself.
We’ll teach you how to do this optimally and efficiently!
We have nearly 100 free videos on topics ranging from the four basic tenents (M.E.N.D.), to depression, anxiety, avoidance, productivity, philosophy, anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, nursing theory and nursing diagnosis.

Sometimes in life, there is URGENCY!
The cost/benefit analysis of inaction may be so detrimental that to not act immediately may have irreversible negative effects.
For healthy change to occur, there must be positive change in both mindset (primary) and behavior (secondary).
Take action! Commit to your health. You can’t afford not to. EMAIL (MENDCoach@Gmail.com) now to get started on your 5 session package.